Wednesday, February 22, 2017


The studio work routine I've been using for decades continues to be on "pause" mode. Carol's problems with dementia reached a point where the hospital was no longer an answer to solving her problem and it was necessary to move her to a facility with permanent and proper care.  An available facility was found south of Red Deer and our sons Kurt and Gregg moved some items of furniture and clothing there and Carol is now there. When space is available in a Red Deer facility she will be moved again. The processes involved to make this happen are, of course, going to be taking priority over any work in the studio.

Meanwhile, through all this, last October the Society of Wood Engravers put out a challenge for members to enter a 'Seasons Project". I volunteered to participate in the "Summer" portion of the project. I was then struggling to stay focused on an idea in my "See What I'm Saying?" series. The sketches I had begun seemed like they might fit the "Summer" theme (if a stretch of interpretation was allowed, and it was). A few days ago I ran the edition of "Making a Mountain of a Molehill".

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